Saturday 28 February 2009

Web 2.0- Examples

Companies: eBay

Social media sites: YouTube, - share flims and video. Allow user to make comment and rating for a flim.

Blogs- blogger
Encyclopaedia: Wikipedia -allows user to eidit the content and make comments.

Photo sharing site : Flickr - allows users to share images.

Social bookmarking site:

Social networking site: Myspace, facebook, friendster - share and tagging photos, chat and making friends with memebers.

Web 2.0

What is Web 2.0?

The First raised web 2.0 is Tim O’ Reilly, He is the president and CEO of O’Reilly’s media company. He stated that the important principle of web 2.0 is: “The more users, the better the service” (Wang,598).However, there are high amount of IT sector did not reach a consensus for the right web 2.0 definition. Beside in the 2006, time magazine’s “Person of the year-was you”. It stated “Web 2.0 has no single definition”(Wang,598).

Moreover, One of the common definition of the phrase Web 2.0 refers to a professed second-generation of web-based communities and hosted service- for instance, social-networking sites, Wikis, Flickr and Floksonomies. Furthermore, Web 2.0 is change from web 1.0 model: simply browse Html pages through browser, to being of a more enriched content, stringer interactive connectivity and more powerful tool. Beside, the change from Web 1.0 to web 2.0 has a major impact on our development trend of internet, this is from simply reading to write and jointly build development on the model.

In addition, Web 2.0 does not have a clear boundary, other than a gravitational core. Web 2.0 created web as a new platform, the contents change as every user participates, therefore ,through this personalization content is formed from person to person’s share, coming together as the now Web 2.0 world.

China internet association stated this:“Web 2.0 is a concept of internet and the ideological system’s upgrade, changed from the top-down internet system which were concentrated controlled by the few resource holders into the bottom up internet drive system leaded by the general Users wisdom and strength.”

On a closer inspection, The main concept of web 2.0 is “the public network will tap into internet resources in construction through a variety of technologies and services” (Wang,598) The information from the web, not only come from website owner or the government, but also come from anyone as long as he wanted to share his own point of views or information on internet.

Further links:

Workcited :

Wang, Weijun. Integration and Innovation Orient to E-Society. 2nd ed. Boston, MA : International Federation for Information Processing, 2008.print.

Deitel Paul. C++ how to program: How to program. 6th ed. London:Prentice Hall, 2008. Print.